Category: Uncategorized

  • Podcast interview

    ”I want people to embrace the art of cooking.”

  • Diet, Lifestyle, and Environmental Factors that Influence our Gut Microbiome

    The following is compiled from the 2018 Food and Nutrition Conference and Exposition presentation on The Gut Microbiome and Diabetes. The summary of these findings are practical for everyone so I wanted to share in a simplified format. The data presented here was pulled from over 25K peer reviewed articles,…

  • The Power of Cocoa for Recovery Nutrition- A Cold & Delicious Treat Post Exercise

    One of the goals with post-workout nutrition is to optimize blood circulation in order to best deliver nutrients and oxygen to muscles for restoration. Optimizing blood flow also helps to more efficiently remove waste products produced by muscles during exercise. Studies have shown that polyphenols and flavanols in natural cocoa…

  • Ask yourself, what makes sense?

    I don’t normally put too much energy or attention into the rise of fad diets because eventually, they fall. History and research has shown that fad diets don’t work in the long run. Time and time again, practical lifestyle changes have come out on top as the best strategy for…

  • Beets, Juicing, and Nitric Oxide

    I had the best juice from a Kauai Juice Co. Appropriately called ‘Beetle Juice,’ it contained beets, carrots, celery, kale, turmeric, lemon, and ginger. There are so many health benefits to beets but I’ll start off with this- I don’t typically drink a lot of juice but since I was traveling,…

  • Let Food be thy Medicine

    “The idea of food as medicine is not only an idea whose time has come, it’s an idea that’s absolutely necessary to our health care system.” – Dr. Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and dean of Friedman School of Nutrition Science at Tufts University.⁣ ⁣ I became a dietitian because I believe…

  • The Art and Beauty of Simplicity

    Healthy eating can be simple, despite all the fad diets out there. Research from the blue zones teach us this. Blue zones are regions of the world where people live longer than the average life expectancy and they live relatively healthfully. Lifestyle factors of these individuals have been studied and…

  • Why you don’t need a “How to get back on track after the Holidays” tip list. Develop the healthy mindset now.

    The holiday season is part of our life! It’s a time to celebrate, a time to spend with friends and family, a time to enjoy, a time to feel good about, and a time to make memories! So placing this dark cloud over it sends the wrong message. I also…

  • Resistant Starch and Your Gut

    Our individual gut contains more bacteria than stars in the Milky Way. Probiotics from both foods and supplements get a lot of attention and certainly serve a purpose in terms of gut health. Food sources such as Kefir, yogurts, kimchi, authentic sourdough bread, sauerkraut, are some foods that contain probiotics.…

  • Choosing Safer Beauty and Food

    I have just recently begun paying more attention to the ingredients found in products such as lotions, shampoos, conditioners, soaps, etc. I have for a long time been mindful about the food I eat, where it is from, how it is made, weird ingredients to avoid, etc. but I didn’t…